analog broadcast - This One's Called the "Obligatory Rly Long Ambient Song At the End Which Doesn't Have Very Much Substance and Is the Kind of Song You Throw On When You Want To One-Up Someone With Your 'Off the Wall' Music Taste But In Reality You Dont Really Fuck With Th

Sanatçı analog broadcast
Şarkı This One's Called the "Obligatory Rly Long Ambient Song At the End Which Doesn't Have Very Much Substance and Is the Kind of Song You Throw On When You Want To One-Up Someone With Your 'Off the Wall' Music Taste But In Reality You Dont Really Fuck With Th
Albüm this one's called the "i really want to release new music but i'm not done with my album yet so i'm going to put out a few tracks" EP
Etiket With You-Th Ep